Ashley Tuffo
12" x 19"
Woven mercerized cotton and medical bandages

"Firenze pattern"
Ashley Tuffo
7" x 11"
Silk Jacquard weaving

"A Journey to the Scene of the Crime"
Ashley Tuffo
25" x 32"
Sewing thread, fabric, and batting

"Cross Contour Still Life"
8.5" x 11"
Ink and paper

"Dressed for Mourning"
Ashley Tuffo
21" x 40" (flat)
Hand dyed (by Ashley Tuffo) sewing thread and silk, pattern created by Ashley Tuffo

Ashley Tuffo
12" x 15"
Paper and pencil

"Noodles Still Life"
Ashley Tuffo
12" x 15"
Paper and pencil

"The People Behind the Wall" 
Ashley Tuffo
10" x 12" x 10.25"
Sewing thread, yarn and balsa wood glue